家長學會 Phonics 教導小朋友 !
家長英語拼音培訓課程 (Jolly Phonics Level 1)
課程內容特別適合家長及有興趣學習幼兒 Phonics 英語拼音人仕而設,透過有趣互動的課堂,學員可學習到如何運用有趣遊戲及教具,有效地建立及評核小孩的英語拼讀能力。完成課程後,可獲頒發英國 Jolly Phonics 認可 Level 1 培訓證書及 PEA 協會證書。
Jolly Phonics 拼音法
• 介紹 Jolly Phonics 有趣獨特的歌曲
• 解說 Jolly Phonics 如何協助兒童閱讀和串字
• 兒童學習拼音的過程中,親子互動的重要性
• 教授及示範 42 個標準發音
• 學習如何由多個字母組成的單詞拼音技巧
• 拼合(Blending)和建立單詞的要訣
• 掌握不同的輔音拼合(Consonant blends)的發音和單詞尾音的發音
• 學懂 Tricky Words單詞(Common Exception Words)
• 如何為幼童選擇適合的英語讀物
• 現職 Jolly Phonics 導師分享
首席導師 : Winnie Pang
• Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• PEA 課程及培訓總監
• 曾接受香港教統局邀請培訓現職老師
• 香港專上教育學院幼兒課程導師
• 英國文化協會教師及培訓師
• 多個國際性的英語教育培訓資格 (CELTA ; DELTA ; M.Ed.)

家長學會 Phonics 教導小朋友 !
家長英語拼音培訓課程 (Jolly Phonics Level 1)
課程內容特別適合家長及有興趣學習幼兒 Phonics 英語拼音人仕而設,透過有趣互動的課堂,學員可學習到如何運用有趣遊戲及教具,有效地建立及評核小孩 的英語拼讀能力。完成課程後,可獲頒發英國 Jolly Phonics 認可 Level 1 培訓證書及 PEA 協會證書。
Jolly Phonics 拼音法
• 介紹 Jolly Phonics 有趣獨特的歌曲
• 解說 Jolly Phonics 如何協助兒童閱讀和串字
• 兒童學習拼音的過程中,親子互動的重要性
• 教授及示範 42 個標準發音
• 學習如何由多個字母組成的單詞拼音技巧
• 拼合(Blending)和建立單詞的要訣
• 掌握不同的輔音拼合(Consonant blends)的發音和單詞尾音的發音
• 學懂 Tricky Words單詞(Common Exception Words)
• 如何為幼童選擇適合的英語讀物
• 現職 Jolly Phonics 導師分享
首席導師 : Winnie Pang
• Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• PEA 課程及培訓總監
• 曾接受香港教統局邀請培訓現職老師
• 香港專上教育學院幼兒課程導師
• 英國文化協會教師及培訓師
• 多個國際性的英語教育培訓資格 (CELTA ; DELTA ; M.Ed.)

• 學員必須出席率達 80%,方可獲頒證書
• 英國Jolly Phonics認可Level 1培訓證書及
• PEA英語拼音培訓證書
HK$ 4,980 (已包教材及2張證書)
• 學員必須出席率達 80%,方可獲頒證書
• 英國Jolly Phonics認可Level 1培訓證書及
• PEA英語拼音培訓證書
• 15小時 (5堂),尖沙嘴上課
• 12/11 (逢星期一、三) 7-10pm
HK$ 4,980 (已包教材及2張證書)
TPhYL Exam Format
TPhYL Parameters
TPhYL Parameters, unless otherwise stated in the TPhYL Exam paper(s).
Phonics Approach - Synthetic Phonics
Alphabetic Code - PEA’s Simple Alphabetic Code
Young learners - 3 to 7 years old
The TPhYL Exam is divided into five sections and these will test candidates’ ability in:

1. Applying Phonics Knowledge (75mins)
This section is a closed book summative written exam comprising of, but not limited to, multiple-choice questions, short answer questions and scenario analysis.
Candidates must use legible handwriting for assessors to consider their answers. If candidate's handwriting is not legible, assessors will need to consider the answer as incorrect.
The passing mark is 70%. This means that candidates must be able to attain a minimum of 70% in order to pass this section.
Key terms & Definitions
Practice Paper

2. Writing a Phonics Lesson Plan (90mins)
This section will have candidates planning a phonics lesson for young learners. Candidates will be provided with a class profile, young learners’ prior knowledge and aims to create the lesson plan on a given template. Candidates must use legible handwriting for assessors to consider their answers. If candidate's handwriting is not legible, assessors will need to consider the answer as incorrect.
In this section, assessors will use the set of sub-skills shown below to evaluate the written lesson plans and give candidates an ability grade for each of the five sub-skills. The highest mark for each sub-skill is 10 and the lowest is 4. The five sub-skills are equally weighted and the score for this section is the aggregate total of the five. The highest total is 50 and the lowest is 20.
The passing mark is 70%. This means that candidates must be able to attain a minimum of 35 of the 50 marks awarded to their written Phonics lesson plan in order to pass this section.
Communication Skills - Candidate’s ability to write a lesson plan in English.
Theories to Practice - Candidate’s ability to apply the principles of systematic synthetic Phonics and early childhood education.
Strategies - Candidate’s ability to plan a synthetic Phonics lesson to meet the needs of young learners.
Resources - Candidate’s ability to choose appropriate resources to support the teaching of young learners.
Assessments - Candidate’s ability to include appropriate assessment techniques.
Practice Paper

3. Demonstrating a Stage from the Written Phonics Lesson Plan + Q&A(15mins)
This section will have candidates deliver a stage from their written lesson plan to an examiner. Candidates will be provided with some guidelines to include in the demonstration. The examiner will ask them questions after their demonstration.
In this section, assessors will use the set of sub-skills shown below to evaluate the demonstration and give candidates an ability grade for each of the five sub-skills. The highest mark for each sub-skill is 10 and the lowest is 4. The five sub-skills are equally weighted and the score for this section is the aggregate total of the five. The highest total is 50 and the lowest is 20.
The passing mark is 70%. This means that candidates must be able to attain a minimum of 35 of the 50 marks awarded to their demonstration in order to pass this section.
Communication Skills - Candidate’s ability to present a lesson demonstration in English.
Theories to Practice - Candidate’s ability to apply the principles of systematic synthetic Phonics and early childhood education.
Strategies - Candidate’s ability to demonstrate the procedures of a stage from their lesson plan.
Resources - Candidate’s ability to demonstrate the application of the assessed resource.
Assessments - Candidate’s ability to demonstrate assessment techniques.
Practice Paper
Oral Demonstration Instructions

4. Saying Main English Sounds (5mins)
This section contains 40 main English sounds. Each correctly said sound carries one mark.
The passing mark is 90%. This means that candidates must be able to say a minimum of 36 of the 40 assessed sounds accurately in order to pass this section.
5. Blending Pseudo Words (5mins)
This section contains 20 pseudo words. Each correctly blended pseudo word carries one mark.
The passing mark is 80%. This means that candidates must be able to blend a minimum of 16 of the 20 assessed pseudo words accurately in order to pass this section.