家長學會 Phonics 教導小朋友 !
家長英語拼音培訓課程 (Jolly Phonics Level 1)
課程內容特別適合家長及有興趣學習幼兒 Phonics 英語拼音人仕而設,透過有趣互動的課堂,學員可學習到如何運用有趣遊戲及教具,有效地建立及評核小孩的英語拼讀能力。完成課程後,可獲頒發英國 Jolly Phonics 認可 Level 1 培訓證書及 PEA 協會證書。
Jolly Phonics 拼音法
• 介紹 Jolly Phonics 有趣獨特的歌曲
• 解說 Jolly Phonics 如何協助兒童閱讀和串字
• 兒童學習拼音的過程中,親子互動的重要性
• 教授及示範 42 個標準發音
• 學習如何由多個字母組成的單詞拼音技巧
• 拼合(Blending)和建立單詞的要訣
• 掌握不同的輔音拼合(Consonant blends)的發音和單詞尾音的發音
• 學懂 Tricky Words單詞(Common Exception Words)
• 如何為幼童選擇適合的英語讀物
• 現職 Jolly Phonics 導師分享
首席導師 : Winnie Pang
• Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• PEA 課程及培訓總監
• 曾接受香港教統局邀請培訓現職老師
• 香港專上教育學院幼兒課程導師
• 英國文化協會教師及培訓師
• 多個國際性的英語教育培訓資格 (CELTA ; DELTA ; M.Ed.)
家長學會 Phonics 教導小朋友 !
家長英語拼音培訓課程 (Jolly Phonics Level 1)
課程內容特別適合家長及有興趣學習幼兒 Phonics 英語拼音人仕而設,透過有趣互動的課堂,學員可學習到如何運用有趣遊戲及教具,有效地建立及評核小孩 的英語拼讀能力。完成課程後,可獲頒發英國 Jolly Phonics 認可 Level 1 培訓證書及 PEA 協會證書。
Jolly Phonics 拼音法
• 介紹 Jolly Phonics 有趣獨特的歌曲
• 解說 Jolly Phonics 如何協助兒童閱讀和串字
• 兒童學習拼音的過程中,親子互動的重要性
• 教授及示範 42 個標準發音
• 學習如何由多個字母組成的單詞拼音技巧
• 拼合(Blending)和建立單詞的要訣
• 掌握不同的輔音拼合(Consonant blends)的發音和單詞尾音的發音
• 學懂 Tricky Words單詞(Common Exception Words)
• 如何為幼童選擇適合的英語讀物
• 現職 Jolly Phonics 導師分享
首席導師 : Winnie Pang
• Jolly Phonics 認可培訓師
• PEA 課程及培訓總監
• 曾接受香港教統局邀請培訓現職老師
• 香港專上教育學院幼兒課程導師
• 英國文化協會教師及培訓師
• 多個國際性的英語教育培訓資格 (CELTA ; DELTA ; M.Ed.)
• 學員必須出席率達 80%,方可獲頒證書
• 英國Jolly Phonics認可Level 1培訓證書及
• PEA英語拼音培訓證書
HK$ 4,980 (已包教材及2張證書)
• 學員必須出席率達 80%,方可獲頒證書
• 英國Jolly Phonics認可Level 1培訓證書及
• PEA英語拼音培訓證書
• 15小時 (5堂),尖沙嘴上課
• 12/11 (逢星期一、三) 7-10pm
HK$ 4,980 (已包教材及2張證書)
" Do you want to become an
Internationally Recognised Phonics Teacher?"
Certificate in Phonics Teaching to Young Learners (QF Level 4)
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable course under the Continuing Education Fund (CEF). This course is recognized under the Qualification Framework (QF Level 4). For details of the CEF, please visit the CEF website: https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef.
This course is recognised under the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework (HKQF) at Level 4 and is now available on Qualification Register (QR) (QR Registration No.: 19/001255/L4;validity period from 3 October 2019). For details of the HKQF, please visit the QR website: https://www.hkqr.gov.hk.
Course Description
PolyU SPEED and PEA have developed this popular certificate course to equip participants with key Phonics knowledge and skills
This interactive training course has been specially designed for kindergarten and nursery teachers as well as anyone who is interested in teaching Phonics.
Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be able to use games and teaching aids effectively in the classroom, help children increase English reading and writing proficiency, and competently assess learner achievements.
Successful participants will be awarded a certificate from HK PolyU SPEED, and they can sit for the international recognised Phonics teaching examination - TPhYL.
Course Outline
1.Techniques and Approaches for Young Learners
have knowledge of young learners and stages of their language development
understand principal theories of learning and acquisition
understand multisensory learning in teaching young learners
profile the roles and responsibilities of an ideal young learner educator
2. Phonemes and Graphemes
understand challenges faced by second language learners when learning English sounds
have knowledge of how to use oral articulators and the IPA chart to accurately produce major English sounds and categorise sounds
produce major English sounds (assessment 01)
3. Introduction to Teaching Phonics
have knowledge of principles, teaching approaches and key terms of Phonics
find evidence of Phonics approaches used in English speaking and other countries
develop awareness of grapheme-phoneme correspondences
understand roadmap of synthetic Phonics
explain key Phonics terms and sound types by citing examples
4. Decoding and Encoding
understand concepts, sub-skills and terminology of decoding and encoding
develop the skills of blending orally and from text; segmenting orally and using graphemes
understand the process of teaching decoding and encoding
adapt activities to enhance the skills of decoding and encoding
5. Phonics Lesson Planning
understand strategies for planning effective phonics lessons
have knowledge of ‘The Gradual Release Model’ for giving instructions effectively
start planning a logically sequenced lesson with clear instructions using these strategies and the model (assessment 02)
6. Phonics Lessons in Action
microteach a Phonics lesson (assessment 02)
have knowledge of how to self-reflect after teaching
evaluate overall strengths and weaknesses of the taught lesson, effectiveness of materials and plan, and conclude if set aims have been met in post-observation meeting (assessment 02)
7. Challenges and Exceptions in Phonics
analyse the difficulties faced by learners when decoding and encoding and brainstorm solutions
have knowledge of Common Exception Words, High Frequency Words and their differences
understand how to identify irregular parts in Common Exception Words
have procedures for teaching Common Exception Words in context
present Common Exception Words in context using this framework
8. Phonics Resources
have opportunities to use and evaluate Phonics resources such as stories and songs, TPR activities, digital tools, table activities
have knowledge and understand importance of content, process and product differentiation in meeting the personal needs of young learners
create / adapt a Phonics resource to be used in a demonstrated activity to support differentiated learning needs (assessment 03)
9. Phonics Programmes and Readers
understand what Phonics information to share with parents and when to share it
know core criteria set by UK’s Department for Education for synthetic Phonics programmes
understand decodable and non-decodable readers, and their pros and cons
have a framework for teaching reading using decodable readers
plan a reading lesson using a decodable reader
10. Classroom assessments
understand types of classroom assessments
have strategies for incorporating classroom assessments into lessons
have knowledge of how to assess individuals in groups using versatile classroom setups
have a checklist for giving meaningful and specific feedback
practise giving meaningful and specific feedback
11. Role and Responsibilities of Stakeholders
have strategies for delivering feedback to parents on learner performance
brainstorm common Phonics problems in young learners and suggest and evaluate solutions
12. Continuous professional development
have knowledge of the parameters, question types and marking rubrics of the final written exam
have knowledge of further training and job opportunities
become aware of continuous development through research
understand how to become a reflective Phonics teacher
Chief Academic Officer : Winnie Pang
Tutor, Trinity Dip. TESOL
Core Skill Creative Educator, Phonics Trainer and Teacher, British Council
Phonics Trainer, Early Childhood Course, Institute of Advanced Learning
CELTA, DELTA, M.Ed., Teacher Training (IH), Jolly Phonics Professional Trainer
Provider and Instructor of the Professional Development Programmes on Phonics Teaching for the HK Education Bureau
Prospective Participants
With a Higher Diploma, Associate/Bachelor's Degree or above; or
Aged 25 or above with at least one year's Phonics or English teaching experience
Medium of Instruction
Course Attendance and Certificates
• At least 80% attendance is required
• Successful participants will be awarded a certificate from HK PolyU SPEED (QF Level 4)
Course Fee
HK$19,800 (include teaching materials and certificates)
Only $5,420 with CEF reimbursement
Next Intake
Intake 15 - 27 Feb to 8 May 2025, 12 sessions of face-to-face training from 7 to 10pm on Tue & Thu. (36 hours in total) ; Please refer to the course timetable in the flyer !
Apply Now
STEP 1: Fill in the form below and we will acknowledge your participation within one working day.
STEP 2: Go to SPEED's web page to apply online. You can download the enrolment form and make payment online.
STEP 3: Send your completed enrolment form and a payment proof photo to the following two email addresses : speed@speed-polyu.edu.hk & info@peaphonics.com , we will acknowledge your participation within two working days.